You can find all of my peer-reviewed research either here or upon request on my ResearchGate profile.
Sabater-Pastor F., Faricier R., Metra M., Murias J.M., Brownstein C.G., Millet G. Y. (2022). Changes in Cost of Locomotion are Higher after Endurance Cycling than Running when Matched for Intensity and Duration. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000003059
Brownstein C.G., Sabater Pastor F., Mira J., Murias J.M., Millet G.Y. (2022) Power output manipulation from below to above the gas exchange threshold results in exacerbated performance fatigability. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002976.
Sabater Pastor F., Besson T., Berthet M., Varesco G., Kennouche D., Dandrieux P.E., Rossi J., Millet G.Y. (2022) Elite road vs. trail runners: comparing economy, biomechanics, strength, and power. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004226
Sabater Pastor, F., Besson, T., Varesco, G., Parent, A., Fanget, M., Koral, J., Foschia, C., Rupp, T., Rimaud, D., Féasson, L., Millet, G.Y. (2022). Performance determinants in trail running races of different distances., International Journal of Sport Physiology and Performance. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2021-0362
Brownstein C. G., Metra M., Sabater Pastor, F., Faricier R., Millet G.Y. (2022). Disparate mechanisms of impaired neuromuscular function in response to prolonged running and cycling of matched intensity and duration. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002863
Sabater Pastor F., Varesco G., Besson T., Koral J., Feasson L., Millet G.Y. (2021). Degradation of energy cost with fatigue induced by trail running: effect of distance. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 121(6), 1665-1675. doi: 10.1007/s00421-021-04624-5
Nicot, F., Sabater Pastor, F., Samozino, P., Millet, G.Y., Rupp, T. (2021) Effect of ground technicity on cardio-respiratory and biomechanical parameters in uphill trail running. European Journal of Sport Science. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2021.1995507.
Besson T., Parent A., Brownstein C.G., Espeit L., Lapole T., Martin V., Royer N., Rimaud D., Sabater Pastor F., Singh B., Varesco G., Rossi J., Temesi J., Millet G.Y. (2021). Sex differences in neuromuscular fatigue and changes in cost of running after mountain trail races of various distances. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 53(11), 2374-2378. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002719.
Varesco G., Sabater Pastor F., Millet G.Y. & Rozand V. (2019). Age-related performance at the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®. Movement & Sport Sciences. 104, 13-19. https://doi.org/10.1051/sm/2019015
Olaso-Gonzalez G., Ferrand F., Derbré F., Salvador-Pascual A., Cabo H., Pareja-Galeano H., Sabater-Pastor F., Gómez-Cabrera M.C., Vina F. (2014). Redox regulation of E3 ubiquitin ligases and their role in skeletal muscle atrophy. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 75, 1:S43-4. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2014.10.799